i am a pretentious hack.

       i'm not dead!

Monday, May 13, 2002

rainy season

rains here every day.
grass is lush and spring green, but
so? the mud...THE MUD!!!!!!

water is essential for the survival of all living things. this i understand, being the holder of multiple science degrees and whatnot. the flora need it, the little woodland creatures need it, even i need it, to a degree...

but the degree to which the skycover of this hideous city chooses to bestow it upon me from the months of april through october every year is obscene and entirely unnecessary. i wait all winter for a sign of spring, i get one warm clear day, and then the flood begins. last summer i almost believed the curse had been lifted, there were flawless blue skies and mid-eighties temperatures that were exactly right. i started to wonder if someone somewhere else had put up a magical storm barrier all along the city limits, it was that amazing.

well, whoever loved me a year ago is over it now. maybe my weather guardian thinks someone else is looking after me as of late, but no, it's still just me and these full-field-of-vision clouds that don't even bring thunder, only cold damp blecchh all the time, all the fucking time.

i have a pessimistic personality. this is the worst possible place for someone like me to be trying to live in. i don't want to wake up in the morning because i assume it will be ghastly outside. if i wake up and it's a brilliant, radiant day i can't enjoy it because i spend the whole of it in a state of suspicious, quaking anxiety, wondering when the first black storm-laden mass will start inching its way over the horizon like a low-budget monster-movie blob. i try to be rational about it. i tell myself it's just weather, there's nothing anyone can do. but drive just beyond the boundaries of worcester in any direction, 10 minutes east on route 9 or west on 290, and there is no rain. there has not been any rain. the people of these blessed lands gaze at you in blissful blankness when you say the word "rain," they have no idea, it's never happened, their cities are flourishing on the runoff from mine. i know the exact outline of the city of worcester, because heading back into it from any direction i can look up and see the halo of dark grey strata circling it minutely at all times. tell me you wouldn't feel just the teensiest bit persecuted.

well, one more year, i figure. since my most promising work prospect is in boston, odds are i'll end up there. i don't really want to live in boston, it's too tall, too full of straight lines and hard edges, the buildings and their inhabitants share the same sharp corners. but they have sun. and even when it rains it doesn't matter, there isn't any soil, the mud can't happen.

what sad, sad trade-offs this dreary land has made me willing to accept.

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