the boobs at comcast
on august 4 joon called comcast and said, "i would like to transfer my service from my current address to a new address. i'm going to take my modem and whatnot with me, so all i need you to do is turn off the service at this address and turn on service at the new address. i'd like you to do both of those things on august 25." joon thought this was a highly reasonable and incredibly simple request.
joon was wrong.
the next day, joon tried to check her e-mail and found that her internet service had been shut off. she called comcast to see what was up, and they didn't know. joon said, "i called to transfer my service yesterday, but that wasn't supposed to be done until the end of the month. did someone turn off my internet service by mistake?" joon was put on hold for a long, long time, and was eventually told that no, that was not the problem (even though it TOTALLY WAS). she was told that her modem, which she had been using faithfully for the last two and a half years, was not registered with the internet provider, and that was the problem. so she and the "customer service" employee registered the modem, and that was not the problem. joon reconfigured all of her computer's network settings, as she was instructed to do by the boobs at comcast, and that was not the problem. comcast turned the fucking service back on. and that was just right.
a week went by with no blips or bloops or troubles of any sort, and then joon got a bill from comcast with a $100 "unreturned equipment" charge. "what on earth is this bullshit?" joon thought, and she called comcast to find out. joon explained to a different employee that she would like to transfer her service from her current address to a new address. she's going to take her modem and whatnot with her, and NOT return it, and all she needs them to (please for the love of christ) do is turn off the service at this address and turn on service at the new address. she said she would still like them to do both of those things on august 25, as she was previously told would be done, and even though joon still thought this was a highly reasonable and incredibly simple request, she was beginning to wonder if perhaps she was asking too much of these incompetent ninnies.
the new "service-free" representative told joon that her records showed that service had been turned off at the old address on august 1, which was of course nonsense, because joon had been using her service that very morning, many days after august 1. joon said no no no, that's not right at all, and tried to explain again about the shockingly complicated business of OFF at one address and ON at another on AUGUST 25. the boob at comcast said, "uh-huh," and told joon to ignore the bill, and everything would be sorted out by a supervisor that afternoon.
the next day joon tried to check her e-mail and found that her service had been shut off. joon said, "screw it. it's twelve more days," and she shut down her computer and read a book.
the next day, august 15, joon got a phone call at work. "hi, i'm from comcast," the caller said. "i'm outside your apartment, i'm here to turn on your service." "i'm sorry," joon said, "i'm at work. no one told me anyone was coming to turn on my service. in fact, what i was told was that no one would ever come to turn on my service, because i already have all the equipment i need. they were just supposed to switch it on and let me set it up myself. on august 25."
"oh, well, i'm here to turn on your service," the caller repeated. "will anyone be home soon?"
four capillaries in joon's right eye exploded. "no, no one will. are you in somerville?"
"no," the caller answered, "i'm in roslindale."
joon's left arm went numb. "i already have service in roslindale. or i did, until the boobs at comcast shut it off, again. but i'm moving in eleven days and i need the service transferred to somerville."
"um, i'm just a technician. you'll have to explain that to the boobs at comcast."
and so she shall. stay tuned for the next rockin' installment, "the shrieking bloodbath that befell the boobs at comcast."
joon was wrong.
the next day, joon tried to check her e-mail and found that her internet service had been shut off. she called comcast to see what was up, and they didn't know. joon said, "i called to transfer my service yesterday, but that wasn't supposed to be done until the end of the month. did someone turn off my internet service by mistake?" joon was put on hold for a long, long time, and was eventually told that no, that was not the problem (even though it TOTALLY WAS). she was told that her modem, which she had been using faithfully for the last two and a half years, was not registered with the internet provider, and that was the problem. so she and the "customer service" employee registered the modem, and that was not the problem. joon reconfigured all of her computer's network settings, as she was instructed to do by the boobs at comcast, and that was not the problem. comcast turned the fucking service back on. and that was just right.
a week went by with no blips or bloops or troubles of any sort, and then joon got a bill from comcast with a $100 "unreturned equipment" charge. "what on earth is this bullshit?" joon thought, and she called comcast to find out. joon explained to a different employee that she would like to transfer her service from her current address to a new address. she's going to take her modem and whatnot with her, and NOT return it, and all she needs them to (please for the love of christ) do is turn off the service at this address and turn on service at the new address. she said she would still like them to do both of those things on august 25, as she was previously told would be done, and even though joon still thought this was a highly reasonable and incredibly simple request, she was beginning to wonder if perhaps she was asking too much of these incompetent ninnies.
the new "service-free" representative told joon that her records showed that service had been turned off at the old address on august 1, which was of course nonsense, because joon had been using her service that very morning, many days after august 1. joon said no no no, that's not right at all, and tried to explain again about the shockingly complicated business of OFF at one address and ON at another on AUGUST 25. the boob at comcast said, "uh-huh," and told joon to ignore the bill, and everything would be sorted out by a supervisor that afternoon.
the next day joon tried to check her e-mail and found that her service had been shut off. joon said, "screw it. it's twelve more days," and she shut down her computer and read a book.
the next day, august 15, joon got a phone call at work. "hi, i'm from comcast," the caller said. "i'm outside your apartment, i'm here to turn on your service." "i'm sorry," joon said, "i'm at work. no one told me anyone was coming to turn on my service. in fact, what i was told was that no one would ever come to turn on my service, because i already have all the equipment i need. they were just supposed to switch it on and let me set it up myself. on august 25."
"oh, well, i'm here to turn on your service," the caller repeated. "will anyone be home soon?"
four capillaries in joon's right eye exploded. "no, no one will. are you in somerville?"
"no," the caller answered, "i'm in roslindale."
joon's left arm went numb. "i already have service in roslindale. or i did, until the boobs at comcast shut it off, again. but i'm moving in eleven days and i need the service transferred to somerville."
"um, i'm just a technician. you'll have to explain that to the boobs at comcast."
and so she shall. stay tuned for the next rockin' installment, "the shrieking bloodbath that befell the boobs at comcast."
Labels: confessional, rage, whiny
At 8:34 PM,
Christine Staley said…
the boobs are comcast are f*ctktards, every last one of them. I've recently experienced a similar situation in turning "off" at one location and "on" at my new place...
after being reassured that the cost would remain the same, the charged us a "transfer fee", and the service cost doubled. AND they said my last "check bounced" which is funny, because I pay by ETF and it cleared comcast and they are now telling me I owe them $90 for this returned "check" which never existed and that I have to take it up wiht my bank.
I hate comast. seriously, they're f*cktards...
At 9:10 PM,
Steve Garfield said…
Short story. After cutting the cable to my house by mistake, the technician labeled it in way so that it would never be cut again by mistake.
It was cut again.
Then my cable was put on a spltter with the next apartment. Thereby decreasing the throughput by 33%. It's on a 3-way splitter.
I asked them to send someone put to splice the cabel back the way it was.
They couldn't do that.
At 6:14 AM,
Me said…
i've never had anyone wrong me ever, but then again i have boobs, what can i say?
possibly the boobs saved you from an internet stalker you would have met the very night they shut you down!... oh just think of that, right now you could be held up in some glamorous penthouse eating mixed salads (like me).
miss u
At 8:32 AM,
juniper pearl said…
awww, lsz, internet stalkers aren't so bad. not even the ones who threaten to throw rock-like objects at your secret boyfriend, especially when they offer to knit you scarves.
i miss you too, you little brat. you abandoned me for salad? hurtful, that is. please come back; i have an impressive selection of dressings and some very good grape tomatoes, and i might even be able to convince ophelia to share a mushroom with you.
At 1:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I work for an Apple Reseller/Onsite consultancy, and Back In The Day, when Wifi was just getting rolling, I had a client who, having experienced Wifi goodness at their office, wanted to experience it at home.
So, we got her the Airport "Flying Saucer" and when she said that she had Comcast (then known as MediaOne) I gave her my sheet of instructions that I had written up along with this advice;
1. Whatever the nice person on the phone asks you, ignore it and follow my directions.
2. If they ask you if you have done what they ask, always say "yes".
3. If you ask them about anything more than what they are talking about, they will be unable to read the "little piece of paper" they are reading from and their heads will 'splode.
4. If their head 'splodes, call back and talk to another one until it works.
5. Do NOT, at any point, say the words "my Home Network". That will lead you to #3.
I've had Comcast (or the companies they bought) for 6 years, and we've gotten along very well, because I follow those rules. Plus:
Nod politely, and do it right; they won't.
The number of times I've called in to report a network outage, only to be told no, there no network outage, no, there's not, no really...could you hold on? Oh, By the way, there's a network outage in your area....
Comcast is great, just don't use them for anything but a connection and assume they know not of what they speak.
At 1:18 PM,
Tim said…
We returned two unused cable boxes to one of Comcast's payment locations on a Saturday. The person behind the desk asked, "Do you still have a box at home?" We assured her we did, and we were keeping our cable TV service and our cable modem, but that one of the boxes (a craptastic Comcast DVR) didn't work and we were no longer using the other in our second room.
When we got home later that day from some other errands, we found we had no Internet access and no cable TV. Sure enough, when we called, we found out that Comcast had deactivated our service. Fortunately calling them was able to straighten everything out in about ten minutes... I think. (I haven't seen the bill yet.)
At 6:30 PM,
Tim said…
Scumcast is a real treat.
We downgraded our service to the very basic plan. It's about $8 a month in Boston. It gets us nothing other than local broadcast channels, New England Cable News, a half dozen channels in a foreign language (mostly spanish) and about another half dozen shopping channels. We also get about three or four religious channels. No NESN. No TNT. Nothing like that. It suits us fine, since my wife mainly watch shows on the major networks anyway.
Last spring, I looked closely at the bill and noticed two things: We were being billed for a cable box and a remote, and we apparently lived in an apartment. Neither were true.
The box and remote were returned to the tech who picked them up and gave us a receipt when our service was downgraded. I still had my signed copy. Fortunately, Comcast was happy to refund the eight months of rental fees, which amounted to about three or four months of free service.
Proving we lived in a single family home was more difficult. They claimed that they got their information from the city of Boston and they they were right. According to all-knowing, never wrong Comcast, we lived in a multifamily home. It got to the point where I invited the customer serviceless person to my house for dinner so he could see our nice single-family home. He declined. I insisted they send a tech out to inspect my home. Finally, he relented, and the "Apt. 1" reference was removed from my address.
One final note. About six months after we downgraded our service last year, several of our channels were shut off one day. I called to complain. Turns out many of the ones we were still getting should have been blocked from the start of our cheapo service.
As I persisted in having the channels restored, the serviceless person suggested that my $8-a-month service wasn't meeting my "entertainment need." I thought to myself quickly that this clearly was their market-researched buzz term to get me back into paying $50 a month for a bunch of channels I don't watch.
No thanks, I said. I will stick with your crappy shopping networks and enjoy !Sabado Gigante! just fine, thanks.
At 6:15 AM,
Me said…
careful JP, I just might put you back on my "to stalk" list ;)
and! i would have sent that scarf to some unknown island in the pacific, just as long as i knew you would receive it! i have no plans on following you around (unless of course Malcolm is with you)
not to worry though, i'm off scarves and into making placemat totes.
At 11:56 AM,
juniper pearl said…
comcast has always seemed more than willing to provide me with hush money (refunds, amended statements) when i've complained about things, but when i ask them to actually do or fix something, i'm met with either a request to hold while they search frantically for any one person in the building with some sort of information or an ominous silence, followed by a request to hold, etc., etc. i guess i should have known that this was the plight of all of their customers, but i'd never really thought about their widespread impact before. i'm sorry that we're all suffering, but at least we can band together. i guess i'm especially frustrated with things because i don't technically have comcast service. i have cable internet, but my service is with earthlink, who can only provide broadband through comcast in the boston area. the folks at earthlink have been perpetually lovely, and i'm sad that i can't deal with them exclusively, but it is what it is.
i imagine scarves are rendered somewhat obsolete by the climate in the pacific islands, lsz. they are rendered equally obsolete by the silly quantity of scarves already in my closet, and so i didn't ask you for another. that's all. i liked being on your "to stalk" list, and you can sign me back up any time. but you're still not allowed to touch malcolm; i'm standing very firm on that one.
what's a placemat tote? is it for placemats or of them? i think i might need one either way. we could arrange a swap, if you're still interested in those chips.
At 12:16 AM,
Dina R. D'Alessandro said…
Seriously, joon, it serves you right for being so proactive and calling a full three weeks before you were about to relocate. I mean, what, pray tell, were you thinking?
BTW, Comcast is the devil. So is Time Warner. And Verizon. And Gateway. Basically any company that refers to itself as a "service provider" (in where a plug/wire of some sort is stuck in one place in order to come out somewhere else) probably travels home via handbasket.
At 5:24 PM,
Me said…
a placemat tote is a lazy way to make a tote... you take 2 placemats slap them together and sew, simple! You can use it to store books, papers, stuff it with dirty laundry, have tote fights, whatever you prefer.
email me your addy and i will send you one, i think i know which colors you would like. no trade is necessary as i am off corn lately and into cheez!
At 3:49 PM,
juniper pearl said…
you're right, dina, corporate america and its minions will never go out of their way to reward good, responsible citizens. i should have waited until midnight on the day of the move and then made myself a very, very squeaky wheel. but i didn't, and that's that. now i know.
do you want cheez, lsz? i can get you cheez. i'll write to you soon, i swear.
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