i am a pretentious hack.
i'm not dead!
Monday, September 15, 2008
all your burning lights in the fog shone bright lit our missteps and we saw them and we saw
in memoriam
posted by juniper pearl @
10:59 AM
juniper pearl
dr. garvey
i care about the issues.
but mostly i choose to leave the discussion thereof to more qualified and informed individuals.
daily kos
environmental news network
backseat driving
EDGE of existence project
tapped (the american prospect)
marry in massachusetts
the tangled bank
universal hub
operation yellow elephant
the death of environmentalism
united nations population fund
the population institute
sometimes i have nightmares about china
the river runs black
carin zissis
, staff writer for the council on foreign relations, on china's environmental crisis
eric heymann
on china's environmental issues, february 2006
china from the inside
(pbs series)
michael mccarthy
the independent
, october 2005
china's pollution and the threat to domestic and regional stability
human rights overview
girls are people, too
three gorges probe
you'd have to be CRAZY to argue with shandong province
people who i think would make smashing roommates:
colin beavan
john hodgman
joshua greene
amanda vincent
crispin porter + bogusky
elizabeth kolbert
henk van rensbergen
ken brown
the ghost of antoine de saint-exupéry
aglaia mortcheva
james e. hansen
dave eggers and his deadpan zombie minions
dave mckean
chad walker
ricky boscarino
ariel aurora dawn
people who i think make smashing rooms:
the treehouse workshop
people i respect and admire but would prefer not to share my home with:
catherine chalmers
mark ryden
greg simkins
christopher marley
steve, don't eat it!
tom tykwer
jhonen vasquez
timothy greenberg
fafnir et al.
dr. and mr. haggis-on-whey
supergreat fun time!
crying while eating
flight of the conchords
nick james
david firth is a beautiful freak
meet the feebles
amy winfrey's muffins and other tasty treats, the lair of the crab of ineffable wisdom, proud fathers of "tom goes to the mayor"
kitty blue
dogshitter wants
amy lawless' celebrity correspondence
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i just want to say one thing . . .
david firth is strummin' my pain with his flash toons
we have a remedy! we have!
well, shit.
all your burning lights in the fog shone bright li...
vacation week at the new yorker zoology fact-check...
joon can read!
a note to my admirers
broken-doll blogging
tuesday is super
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