i am a pretentious hack.

       i'm not dead!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i'm hit!

spine has lovingly thunked me with the meme stick, and because he's been so faithful and asks so little of me, i am taking up the baton and running like hell for the ribbon. so outta my way, suckas--this train ain't got no brakes.

1. my: you’ve heard the saying, “i’d give my right arm for . . .”--so, what would you give your right arm for?

a: a guarantee of perpetual planetary homeostasis. this would primarily require that people both realize and care when they had overstepped their bounds in a disruptively and/or destructively self-interested manner every single time they did so, so i guess i'd be sacrificing the limb for a prolonged global heightening of human empathy and other-directed awareness. a safe choice, perhaps, but to be fair, i really do use my right arm quite a lot.

2. me: what’s one word that describes how you want people to see you?

a: well-intentioned.

3. meme: if you could be any blogger, which blogger would you be, and why?

a: um, i'm actually pretty happy being me, thanks. i've managed to endear myself to a handful of people i respect a tremendous amount, and that's all the recognition i need. besides, the degree of anonymity i'm enjoying allows me to talk about anything or nothing without getting dragged through the mud by mean-spirited web bullies, and i don't have to restrict myself to a handful of predictable areas of expertise, or even attempt expertise. not that i don't try to be as accurate as possible every time, but i like that i can get hung up on whatever i want for a day or a decade, because i'm so scattered and pathologically eclectic; yep, i am extremely pleased with and very much at home in the pressure-free forum i've erected. unless . . . does christian bale's wife have a blog? no, just kidding; still me. it'd be sort of hellish having to put up with psycho blogchicks running up to my husband and trying to lick his face all the time. if the question were "which blogger would you be for between one and three hours this coming saturday," my answer might be different. but that, i assume, is a meme of a different color--a naughty color.

i am, i think, obligated to pass the torch at this point. so i'm just going to close my eyes and point: hans, mikey b., and dina--RUN!!!!!

this is not to suggest that i don't think each and every one of you would handle the task gracefully and with great insight; it's just that there are rules to be followed, only so many people to a team, that sort of thing. you understand. don't you? i know you do.



  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Mikey B. said…

    uh oh :p.

  • At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    This blog meme thing is really just a dressed-up version of those puerile myspace bulletins (yes, I do the myspace thing, though with very little zeal; mostly I'm interested in finding long-lost friends and schoolmates), but if it helps to create a little campfire around which our little community of bloggers can gather, then it's hard to object.

    I do see you as very well-intentioned, by the way.

  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger juniper pearl said…

    oh, i don't know about myspace. sorry. there's no one i went to high school with whom i'm interested in locating at this point. except maybe my eleventh-grade english teacher . . . but i doubt he's got a web journal. of course, we were all surprised when he told us he'd always fantasized about sophia loren; who knows? have you come across a henry kelly in your myspace travels?

    i do like fires, though. you can tag me whenever you like; you hit like a girl, anyway. a healthy girl. thank you for recognizing that the aim of that comment was true.


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