from the broken heart of a future canadian
what the hell happened?
the sadness, the terrible
sadness . . . i feel sick.
it took me this long because i couldn't bear to talk about it before.
all of his other horrific policies aside, do republicans not have wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, girlfriends or any other female acquaintances? because here's my understanding of the bush approach to the worth of women:
if a girl, say, maybe, a thirteen-year-old girl, were raped at gunpoint by someone, a stranger, maybe a relative, and became pregnant as a result, well, she'd just have to suck it up and deal with it. if there were potentially fatal complications to that girl's pregnancy, she'd have to make the best of that, too, because god wouldn't have let her get pregnant if he didn't want her to have the baby.
this is a man who would look me in the eye and tell me that, in such circumstances, my life has no real value. he had no problem executing people left and right as governor of texas, who knows how many soldiers and civilians have died as a result of this utterly fraudulent war, but mention a fetus and suddenly every life is sacred? every life except the mother's, every life except that of the uncle or neighbor who was just blown to bits on the other side of the planet for no justifiable cause.
he will potentially have the chance to appoint three (THREE!) supreme court judges who will look at the world in exactly the same way.
fuck off, you hypocritical, egomaniacal, greedy, smug, monstrous, moronic douchebag. i don't understand how any of this could have happened, but i know that i wouldn't elect you to clean my toilet.
i suppose it doesn't have to be canada. anyone living anywhere where a majority of people know better, if you have a couch i might be able to sleep on for the next four or five years, i'd be infinitely in your debt. i'm no trouble. quiet as a mouse, i swear.
oh, earth, i am so, so sorry. i did what i could. but if you want to give up on us now, i understand.
postscript, four hours later:
i just saw a woman say the words "vaginal contribution" with a serious, if not intense, expression on her face on some crime drama that toadie watches because one of the men in the cast has woman's butt syndrome (this means he has a basically manly build except for his curvy, girly hips. she is both helplessly drawn to and utterly repelled by this phenomenon. she has the same response to hasidic jews and scabies. this is irrelevant.) the context was, "we tested the beer bottles in the van for the suspect's saliva and one of them possessed a vaginal contribution." this is my new favorite phrase. i plan to use it whenever possible. i suggest you do the same. it momentarily lifted my spirits, if nothing else. go ahead, try it. the next time a telemarketer calls to demand that you buy more crap, tell him, "i'm sorry, i really can't afford that right now, but i'd be happy to make a vaginal contribution." if you work in the service industry, place a vaginal contribution container next to the tips jar on your counter. it could become the new slang for feminist efforts. the sky's the limit, really.
come on. we have to laugh about something.
post-postscript, 10:06 p.m., 11/13/04:
if you look up the phrase "vaginal contribution" on, the only matches are transcripts of bad crime dramas.
the sadness, the terrible
sadness . . . i feel sick.
it took me this long because i couldn't bear to talk about it before.
all of his other horrific policies aside, do republicans not have wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, girlfriends or any other female acquaintances? because here's my understanding of the bush approach to the worth of women:
if a girl, say, maybe, a thirteen-year-old girl, were raped at gunpoint by someone, a stranger, maybe a relative, and became pregnant as a result, well, she'd just have to suck it up and deal with it. if there were potentially fatal complications to that girl's pregnancy, she'd have to make the best of that, too, because god wouldn't have let her get pregnant if he didn't want her to have the baby.
this is a man who would look me in the eye and tell me that, in such circumstances, my life has no real value. he had no problem executing people left and right as governor of texas, who knows how many soldiers and civilians have died as a result of this utterly fraudulent war, but mention a fetus and suddenly every life is sacred? every life except the mother's, every life except that of the uncle or neighbor who was just blown to bits on the other side of the planet for no justifiable cause.
he will potentially have the chance to appoint three (THREE!) supreme court judges who will look at the world in exactly the same way.
fuck off, you hypocritical, egomaniacal, greedy, smug, monstrous, moronic douchebag. i don't understand how any of this could have happened, but i know that i wouldn't elect you to clean my toilet.
i suppose it doesn't have to be canada. anyone living anywhere where a majority of people know better, if you have a couch i might be able to sleep on for the next four or five years, i'd be infinitely in your debt. i'm no trouble. quiet as a mouse, i swear.
oh, earth, i am so, so sorry. i did what i could. but if you want to give up on us now, i understand.
postscript, four hours later:
i just saw a woman say the words "vaginal contribution" with a serious, if not intense, expression on her face on some crime drama that toadie watches because one of the men in the cast has woman's butt syndrome (this means he has a basically manly build except for his curvy, girly hips. she is both helplessly drawn to and utterly repelled by this phenomenon. she has the same response to hasidic jews and scabies. this is irrelevant.) the context was, "we tested the beer bottles in the van for the suspect's saliva and one of them possessed a vaginal contribution." this is my new favorite phrase. i plan to use it whenever possible. i suggest you do the same. it momentarily lifted my spirits, if nothing else. go ahead, try it. the next time a telemarketer calls to demand that you buy more crap, tell him, "i'm sorry, i really can't afford that right now, but i'd be happy to make a vaginal contribution." if you work in the service industry, place a vaginal contribution container next to the tips jar on your counter. it could become the new slang for feminist efforts. the sky's the limit, really.
come on. we have to laugh about something.
post-postscript, 10:06 p.m., 11/13/04:
if you look up the phrase "vaginal contribution" on, the only matches are transcripts of bad crime dramas.
At 2:14 AM,
katie nalle said…
So refreshing to find someone who thinks that abortion was actually a relevant issue in this election.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
is he being sarcastic? look at this dude's blog and tell me if you think he's being sarcastic, because i honestly can't tell.
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