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i am a pretentious hack.

       i'm not dead!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

sunday best-of blogging

best song to stretch lazily and blissfully in a swath of sunlight that's warming your bed in all the right places to: "the greatest," cat power. chan marshall sounds like a very happy woman on this new album, and i'm glad.

best career news: in march, i started copyediting three days a week for a periodicals publisher. those three days were in addition to the three days i was already (and still am) working at the animal hospital, and that's why you haven't heard much from me lately; it was rough getting used to having one day off, when for the past year or so i'd had about four. but it's been worth the adjustment: wednesday the managing editor and president of the company offered me a full-time position as chief articles editor for three journals, one that's currently in publication and two that will be starting up in the summer. they're all on really technical sciency stuff like neurodegeneration and opioid receptors, so my inner geek is doing cartwheels, and the position seems like a pretty killer way to transition into a new field. as a bonus, i'll still get to do the copyediting on the truly troubled articles, like the ones that were written by people who don't normally speak english, and i genuinely love that stuff, so i'm one happy nerd. it's a lot more than i'd expected to be offered, coming in as a temp with no formal experience, but apparently i've got a golden ear for quality. it's especially fun for me because for the past ten years my best friend's nickname for me has been "chief," so i won't just be Chief Articles Editor, i'll be Chief, Articles Editor. what a hoot! i won't be making the switch until july, so i might still be off the radar a lot of the time, but know that i'm well and that i'm always thinking of you. unless i've died. i don't know how you'll know for sure. i guess i'd recommend cautious optimism.

best basis for sexual attraction: "he's got a real horshack-epstein vibe going on." spoken by toadie in reference to the lead singer of the band why? (whom you can search for on their label's site). why? opened for islands, also on wednesday, now on record as Juniper's Favorite Day in April Ever. islands contains two former members of the unicorns and lots of other people, and while i dreamt unfulfilled dreams of a "jellybones" encor, toadie's above comment, which was followed by, "i might have to throw my underwear on stage," made up for anything that might have been missing—especially because she and i are maybe the only two girls on the planet who could say it and mean it.

saddest punctuation development: the new yorker appears to have abandoned the en dash. as they were one of the last remaining holdouts, i fear for its imminent extinction in mass publication. it will forever live on in this blog, though, and doubtless in your faithful hearts, and the second i take over the magazine's offices you can bet your bonny behind you'll be seeing it back on those pompous, beautiful pages.

best missed photo op: ah, my dear, sweet, brazenly hypocritical mspca; how happy i am to be escaping your smarmy, capitalist façade of goodness. the society's veterinary hospital, who can't be my former employer one moment too soon, is in the midst of a MASSIVE and entirely cosmetic renovation, believing that a prettier outside will draw more clients inside. i've no idea how many billions of dollars they're pouring into it, but i imagine it's several. meanwhile, the staff is tragically underpaid, the ccu is cramped and inadequate (and staying that way), and dozens of patients are turned away or sentenced to death because their owners don't make the financial cut. oh, and the hospital's president owns a very small jet, which he likes to take out every once in a while for meditation purposes. 'cause he's tense.

anyway, since the external construction started, the grounds have been bombed routinely with rodenticide to keep mice from seeking shelter in the building, and half the trees on the once sprawling and lovely lawn have been cleared to make room for parking lots. yesterday, i.e., earth day, a surgery supervisor made a large, touching "happy earth day!" sign for us to take outside and stand next to the destruction crew with as they detreed our borders, and i was soooo excited—but then it started to rain, and they all went home. poo.

least inspiring television moment: i have no idea what the program was, or even what channel it was on, but the other night i saw a woman applying makeup to a tomboyish teenage girl, and when she was done and the girl admitted that she didn't look too bad, the woman said, "now, i want you to put this makeup on every day, O.K.? you have to promise that you'll do that, no cheating; girly girls wear makeup to school." i'd like to tell you what happened after that, but i vomited and passed out.

best kisser: your mom. at least, that's what it says in the fourth stall from the right.

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  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Me said…

    that is fantastic! big grats on your new position and finding something that you luv so much!

    there is never any guarantee any of us will be around, we can just live for the moment.

    i'm happy you and toadie are tossing panty ideas, that means you two are talking again.

  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger Me said…

    oh and remember to take time to play and do fun things... aside from work, you need balance, you need friends, love and most of all you need to blog regularly :p

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Mikey B. said…

    The fourth stall on the right in the guys room says "Here I sit all broken hearted, thought I shit but only farted".

    Such poetry brings a tear to my eye :p.

  • At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, congrats on the new gig. Nobody has to know about your lowercased personal life.

    En dashes are forever.

  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Me said…

    miss you JP... *sniffle*

  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger Dina R. D'Alessandro said…

    I'm catching up on much too much blog reading and, still, yours is my favorite. I read your posts and feel like I am so disappointed with my lot in life that I can't put pen to paper (or fingers to keypad) and come up with witticisms and insights like you do. WHY?!? I swear I'm observant and funny in person, but I just cannot seem to get my stuff together and write.

    Please tell me you've at least been published in a local mag or throw or something since the last time we wrote each other. Seriously. You should submit something somewhere and soon.

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger juniper pearl said…

    juniper pearl submits to no one! i write for you, the faithful few, and for myself and my high school english and college sociology teachers, who were desperately disappointed at my refusal (at the time) to do so. but clearly i lack the discipline to make a professional go of it. i mean, i just made lsz cry; imagine how my managing editors would take my indifference to time lapses and deadlines. not well, i'm betting.

    besides, darling, you're being unnecessarily hard on yourself. a great deal of my wit comes from supercilious cynicism, and you should never be bothered by the fact that you don't look at the world that way all day every day. some of us crack wry jokes, and some of us are sweet, decent people. together we keep the blogosphere balanced enough to prevent an implosion.

  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger Me said…

    i was sniffling, not crying!

  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Me said…

    sniff sniff

    i know i'm a pita... gluten free.


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