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Saturday, May 07, 2005

is vicks keeping dirty secrets?

i *heart* absinthe
Originally uploaded by juniper pearl.
damned prohibition,
keeping me and my true love
an ocean apart.

so, i recently had an opportunity to sample the distiller's proof of jade absinthe's latest formula, absinthe edouard. it's lovely, simply lovely. this is the beverage i was born to imbibe. it's fresh and clean and crisp, it's stunning. and...

it's nyquil. i mean, it's daintier, breezier nyquil, but it's unquestionably the same flavor. and i'm certain that downing a couple of ounces of it would take your stuffy nose right off your mind, so my theory is that nyquil was initially just absinthe disguised as medicine, straight snake oil. i went all around the internet trying to find a market release date for vicks' original formula, and either no one knows or no one is willing to say. but it's too on the mark for it to be a coincidence: it was modeled after the liquor, or it was the liquor.

so, for all of you who can't afford to spend the $150 to have a black market bottle shipped from europe to your happy home here in the deeply repressed states, you can always add six ounces of water to your next dose of your favorite nighttime-sniffling-sneezing-so-you-can-rest medicine and fall asleep thinking you're edgar allan poe (or colette, my own favorite alter ego). who knows, maybe the stuff even displays a passable louche.

bottoms up, my lovelies, and sweet delirious dreams.


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