27 is not a number that brings you sesame street.
welcome! you have opened the tiny paper door to the first day of my most important fiscal advent calendar, that counting down my twenty-seventh year.
ever since high school, i have viewed this particular age with overwhelming dread and superstition, due to the tendency of my role models to keel over and feed the tree once they'd reached it. the most damaging was, of course, kurt cobain, who had made his appearance just as i was starting to really pay attention to those things, and who affected all sorts of stuff in my life, directly and indirectly. i bought my first issue of sassy because he was on the cover, and that magazine induced more formative changes in me than almost any other source i can think of. i actually still have all of my back-issues for the period between that first one and august 1994, when the magazine was taken over by the editors of ym and achieved a previously unthinkable level of suckiness. nirvana and pearl jam were the first bands in what became a long line that changed the way i listened to music, and that changed all of my social interactions, and now i'm me, and i'd like to say thanks to kurt but he died at twenty-seven. and so did jimi hendrix, and janis joplin, and jim morrison and kristen pfaff (i would still beat courtney love to death with a can of beans if i ran into her in the supermarket, but i felt okay about hole in the beginning) and i thought shannon hoon, but he was actually 28 . . . anyway, the number lodged itself in my subconscious as a literal do-or-die hurdle, and i've never been able to think of it as anything but ominous. every time one of my friends reached it, i threw a little salt over my shoulder and lit a candle while facing east at the subject's exact time of birth. no, i didn't, but i did write a long message in each of their cards asking them to please be extra careful for the next twelve months, and to not do drugs or handle live ammo if they could help it. no one's succumbed yet. i suppose it might help that none of them is a rock star in anyone's eyes but my own.
so, now it's me, and i'm no rock star, either, but it feels very strange, especially since i'm currently finalizing plans for my first-ever overseas voyage, and the person i'm traveling with is also twenty-seven. maybe we were supposed to be rock stars and somehow went astray, and now the muses will take their revenge for our negligence. no, i'm just batty. but if around the middle of december you realize you haven't heard from me in a couple of weeks, um, rock on, my bitches. rock on.
ever since high school, i have viewed this particular age with overwhelming dread and superstition, due to the tendency of my role models to keel over and feed the tree once they'd reached it. the most damaging was, of course, kurt cobain, who had made his appearance just as i was starting to really pay attention to those things, and who affected all sorts of stuff in my life, directly and indirectly. i bought my first issue of sassy because he was on the cover, and that magazine induced more formative changes in me than almost any other source i can think of. i actually still have all of my back-issues for the period between that first one and august 1994, when the magazine was taken over by the editors of ym and achieved a previously unthinkable level of suckiness. nirvana and pearl jam were the first bands in what became a long line that changed the way i listened to music, and that changed all of my social interactions, and now i'm me, and i'd like to say thanks to kurt but he died at twenty-seven. and so did jimi hendrix, and janis joplin, and jim morrison and kristen pfaff (i would still beat courtney love to death with a can of beans if i ran into her in the supermarket, but i felt okay about hole in the beginning) and i thought shannon hoon, but he was actually 28 . . . anyway, the number lodged itself in my subconscious as a literal do-or-die hurdle, and i've never been able to think of it as anything but ominous. every time one of my friends reached it, i threw a little salt over my shoulder and lit a candle while facing east at the subject's exact time of birth. no, i didn't, but i did write a long message in each of their cards asking them to please be extra careful for the next twelve months, and to not do drugs or handle live ammo if they could help it. no one's succumbed yet. i suppose it might help that none of them is a rock star in anyone's eyes but my own.
so, now it's me, and i'm no rock star, either, but it feels very strange, especially since i'm currently finalizing plans for my first-ever overseas voyage, and the person i'm traveling with is also twenty-seven. maybe we were supposed to be rock stars and somehow went astray, and now the muses will take their revenge for our negligence. no, i'm just batty. but if around the middle of december you realize you haven't heard from me in a couple of weeks, um, rock on, my bitches. rock on.
Labels: confessional
At 7:29 PM,
Me said…
*gasp* !! overseas? if you don't come back you're in BIG trouble missy!
anyway.. 27 doesn't mean a thang when you're JP.. but just in case i'll practice my rocking on..
At 7:49 PM,
juniper pearl said…
well, yes, hon, i think it would be safe for you to assume that if i did not come back i would, indeed, be in big trouble. you are greatly overestimating jp's supernatural powers.
oh, for the love of--THREE DOTS, LSZ! THREE DOTS! it's like there's a knife in my eye, and you're twisting it.
At 10:16 PM,
Me said…
I'm conserving!
At 11:26 PM,
zoe p. said…
You've got to be kidding me! I, your nemesis, zp alabasium, also dreaded 27 above all other transitional but arbitrary ages. I thought I would must stop smoking at 27. I thought my life would be nigh over. I thought if I hadn't done something very important by then I would have to just give up.
But it was wonderful . . .
Happy Birthday!
At 12:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Where are you traveling to? How long will you be gone? Will you post photos? You do realize that some of us will be looking to you to provide us with vicarious peripatetic pleasures.
I have a birthday coming up too. Would that it were my 27th. On the other hand, I'm healthier now than I was then, so I can't really complain about turning -- *gulp* -- 35.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh--and hapy birthday! I said it at Lsz's place, but I'd better say it here too. You know, for consistency.
At 10:58 AM,
juniper pearl said…
maybe i'm your half-doppelganger, or your doppelganger three times removed on your mother's side. did you stop smoking? i associated that with 25, because a friend in college had told me that if you stopped by then all of the damage could reverse itself. and i did stop by 25, but that wasn't why. long story, not relevant--"very important" is fairly arbitrary, also, especially when you consider the number of now-revered people who died having received zero recognition for their works. i guess in the very back of my mental auditorium there was a chick in fishnets who felt that if we didn't die at 27, we lacked inspiration. but she was young and crazy, and i don't believe in giving up anymore.
i grudgingly accept your birthday wishes, but i will continue to poke you with a stick every chance i get.
we're staying just outside of perugia, in italy. a friend is going to school there and offered us a free place to stay, and we couldn't pass it up. we'll only actually be in italy for four days, and i'm pretty sure my toadie doesn't quite get that yet. she's planned numerous day-trips and one overnight excursion, and she has no useful concept of the actual distances between places... i'm leaving her her optimism for now, but soon i'll have to start gently pointing out the impossibility of her plans. i might be able to put up some pictures once i get home, but you'll all just have to miss me while i'm gone.
what's 35? look at it, it's nothing. it's just lines and shapes, it has no inherent meaning; there's no such thing as "35," it's an adjective at best. our entire numerical system is completely factitious. except for 27, but you've already bested it, and i'll make peace with whatever the fates decide.
consistency? you mean redundancy; but thank you (again) all the same. it's good to have some thoughtful people around.
At 2:00 PM,
zoe p. said…
quitting smoking is easy, I do it all the time . . . and happy travels.
At 7:19 PM,
Me said…
actually i don't think wishing you happy birthday here is redundant at all, unless of course it's me because, well spine might not know you read his wishes on my comments, so of course to make sure you know about the wishes spine would likely post it here also.
me---> redundant bordering annoying:
i would have baked you a cake yanno..(.) in my jiffy bake oven, but the last time i used it i baked play-doh and that was a big no-no.
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