why i will never have a child, part nineteen trillion and three
so, i'm watching this episode of primetime about the sickest, most insane, most unfathomable story i've ever heard, and it's got me half ready to vomit into my own lap and half ready to hit the streets with a flame thrower. i know that a lot of people are quite intelligent, but apparently at least as many people are just dying to prove that they're dumb as rocks. how does a thing like this happen in real life? anyone? how does somebody's teenage daughter wind up naked in the back room of a mcdonald's, where her middle-aged female manager has her convinced that it isn't deranged for a police officer to order a strip search over the flipping phone? and it isn't like this was the only time something like this happened. even if the dolts involved in these incidents believed that they were actually dealing with police officers, in what disgusting world do we unquestioningly submit to these kinds of orders, even from police officers, especially ones who aren't in the room? whatever, man, i can't think about this anymore tonight, i'm going to have enough nightmares as it is. i just thought you all might like to know why i'm having my uterus removed and stored in a vault, where i can have it periodically milked for hormones.
At 12:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ah, shit, I heard about that story. I'd like to think that any future child of mine will have at least the bare minimum of a clue that's necessary to avoid this kind of victimization. The fact that this scam worked more than once is mind-boggling, though, and reminds me that even reasonable people act stupid sometimes. I'm living proof.
At 8:51 PM,
Me said…
my personal thoughts are; you should reconsider having your uterus removed... i mean, we need more JP's in this world. Plus i hear they don't keep well in vaults.
At 11:13 PM,
juniper pearl said…
i envision it as a sort of man with two brains situation, where the uterus is in a tank, and the suspending solution contains just the right combination of nutrients and ionized particles, and maybe a low, constant electric current. i'm not just tossing it on the floor of a walk-in safe. but no matter what, no little ones; whether or not the world needs them, it's failed to demonstrate to me that it could ever deserve them, and i've failed to convince myself that i could successfully explain to them why i sent them out into that world knowing that. i'd have to have a much better reason than i do right now, and i don't imagine one being on the way. sorry. no, i'm not.
reasonable people act stupid, sure, but within reason. this was off the hook.
At 3:53 AM,
femme feral said…
That story is so incredibly disturbing. I hope that they'll start telling managers about this, and training them re: how to handle this type of situation. Both police and managers freak me out. Every time I get pulled over, even if I know it's only for a burnt out headlight, I get all nervous and afraid that I am going to get arrested. People should be altogether more leery of authority; sometimes it's really one's best protection.
and wow, that utereus in the vault / man with two brains would make a great short story / prose poem.
At 12:23 AM,
juniper pearl said…
there was some mention towards the end of the piece of a company memo emphasizing the fact that no actual police officer would ever ask an employee to strip-search anyone, and it should have made the rounds before this incident took place, but the people involved swore they'd never seen it. i still can't believe a memo would be necessary, but whatever. if i had ever needed one more reason to stay away from fast-food restaurants, well, there it would be.
my "say no to reproduction" creative writing project is taking a lengthier and far more circuitous route, and there won't be any storage facilities involved, but feel free to steal that idea in the meantime. i hereby offer it up to the public domain, because i'm way too lazy to ever put it to good use.
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