i am a pretentious hack.

       i'm not dead!

Friday, December 01, 2006

friday celebrity-letter blogging

dear califone,

thank you for making roots & crowns. i would never have believed that anything could make me wish that my drive home from work actually took longer, but interrupting this album's hugely varied yet somehow seamless offering of plucked and bowed strings and raspy vocals, hypnotic percussion and dirt-farm-philosopher lyrics, horns and vibraphones and chimes and field recordings—well, it just tears me up, every single time i cut the engine. you've given me a sound i can't get enough of in a world full of things i can't bear to hear, and for at least thirty minutes out of every weekday, and four times that long on the weekends, my heart beats in grateful, tenderly synchronized rhythms.

yours, period,


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